It's not all Hocus Focus

1 Aug 2023

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Neuronia, two realms existed - Focusia and Diffusia.

In Focusia, people were diligent workers, champions at getting things done.

On the other hand, Diffusia was a realm of dreamers, its inhabitants were always curious and brimming with innovative ideas.

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Despite their differences, Neuronia thrived for centuries, but nobody knew why exactly.

Over time, tension built up between the two kingdoms. The Focusians accused the Diffusians of being lazy, while the Diffusians blamed the Focusians for never bringing fresh ideas to the table.

Unable to resolves their conflicts, they built a massive wall, dividing the kingdoms for the next 200 years.

Soon after, the situation took a turn for the worse.

The Focusians were unable to learn anything new, and their children could only rely on basic instincts like hunting and foraging.

In Diffusia, the situation was no better. Though they had many innovative ideas, their inability to execute plunged the kingdom into chaos. Always wanting more, never satisfied.

After two centuries, the wall finally crumbled, and the exchange of ideas and skills started to flow again

Reunited, they brought prosperity back to Neuronia, rejoicing in their newfound harmony.

This story encapsulates one of the key takeaways of Barbara Oakley's book "Learn Like a Pro".

Think of it this way: we each have a resident of Focusia and Diffusia living in our brain. And we need both to thrive.

They work together - although never at the same time - to learn new things or improve our skills.

When you are in focus mode, you tap into already existing pathways in the brain, while the diffuse mode creates new neural connections.

The diffuse mode can only work its magic after you've focused on something.

And when the diffuse mode triggers a fresh insight, either consciously or subconsciously, the focused mode helps reinforce and strengthen it.

With this newfound knowledge, here are three questions for you to reflect upon:

  1. Do you identify more as a Diffusian or a Focusian?

  2. What habits can you build to alternate smoothly between the diffuse and focused modes?

  3. How can you balance your time better between the two modes?

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Reply to this email or tweet at me @Sandrerooo.

Fun Fact of the Week

Henry Ford introduced 40-hour work weeks in 1926, reducing it from 48 hours after he discovered the latter yielded only a small increase in productivity.

This idea was soon adopted by other manufacturing companies and the 40-hour work week became standard US law 14 years later.

Quote of the Week

"The ultimate form of intrinsic motivation is when a habit becomes part of your identity.It’s one thing to say I’m the type of person who wants this.It’s something very different to say I’m the type of person who is this."

From Atomic Habits by James Clear

Have a great week!
